Greener Journal of Educational Research

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Aodah et al

Greener Journal of  Educational Research Vol. 3 (3), pp. 123-133, May 2013

 ISSN: 2276-7789 

Research Paper

Manuscript Number: 021413461


 Role of Development and Accreditation Deanship for Qualification of Hail Faculties, Saudi Arabia for Local Accreditation


Hany R. Alalfy1,2, Ibrahim S. Al-Aodah1,2 and Emad A. Shalaby2*,3


1 Education Department, Faculty of Education, Hail University, Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2 Deanship of Development and Quality, Hail University, Hail,

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

3 Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.


2*Corresponding Author’s Email: dremad2009 @ yahoo. com


Quality education is a prerequisite to gain access to knowledge which guarantees economic development. This makes the condition of higher education in Saudi Arabia a very critical issue. The present work aimed to discuss the quality movement of Hail University, Particularly, the efforts of Deanship of Development and Quality (DQD) in setting up NCAAA standards (National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment). In the process, the authors identify the steps for technical support e.g.: Workshops, Site visits and meetings in addition, design of different action plans for quality assurance activities and accreditation approach. The results revealed that, 90% from Hail Faculties achieved most of DQD requirements except Community and Engineering Faculties.
Keywords: Quality assurance, Accreditation, Hail University, DQD.

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