Submit Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted as an email attachment to and
Submitted manuscripts should conform to the requirements of GJBB. Therefore, authors should endeavor to read the Editorial Policies, Ethics policies and Instructions for Authors before submitting a manuscript to our editorial office. Also make sure the following guidelines are met:
1. Ensure that the work has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or thesis),
2. ensure that the manuscript is not currently being processed elsewhere,
3. ensure there is no breach of any copyright by submitting it for publication,
4. ensure that the submission and publication has been agreed on by all co-authors and responsible authorities,
5. ensure there is no default in ethical standard,
6. ensure the manuscript follows the prescription in our Instructions for Authors.
In addition, the accurate contact information of all authors (Surname, other names in full, affiliation, email for each author, and a phone number) should be available on the manuscript. Disclosure of conflicts of interest should also be available in the manuscript.
Acceptable file formats: Microsoft word (DOC, DOCX) or Rich text format (RTF).
Accepted Languages: English, Spanish, French, Latin, Mexican, German, Arabic, Brazilian, Greek, Hebrew, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Korean, Vietnamese, Norwegian, Turkish, African Indigenous Languages and others.
Note, articles in other languages should include an English version of the title and abstract only. Our Editorial office may assist in translating the title and abstract to English.
Suggested Reviewers: The authors may also suggest two to four reviewers for the manuscript (The editorial office may assign other reviewers).
See the Authors Instructions for more information.
Call for Papers/Books
Call for Scholarly Articles
Authors from around the world are invited to send scholary articles that suits the scope of this journal. The journal is currently open to submissions and will process and publish articles monthly in two yearly issues.
The journal is centered on quality and goes about its processes in a very timely fashion. Seasoned editors/reviewers will be consulted to review each article(s), profer quality evaluations and polish the articles with expertise before publication.
Simply send your article(s) as an e-mail attachment to or
Call for Books
You are also invited to submit your books for online or print publication. We publish books related to all academic subject areas. Submit as an e-mail attachment to