Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

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Kamalu and Ndeh

Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences

Vol. 9(4), pp. 466-472, 2019

ISSN: 2276-7770

Copyright ©2019, the copyright of this article is retained by the author(s)







Rural Farmers Participatory Soil Quality Assessment in Ibiono Ibom Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.


Kamalu, Onyinyechi  Jas.1; *Ndeh, Aniebiet  Bassey2


Crop and Soil Science Department, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323 Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.


Emails: onyikamalu@ gmail. com1; aniebietabasi4jesus@ gmail. com2





Article No.: 121319215

Type: Research


This study centered on rural farmers’ participatory soil quality assessment in eight communities (Ibiaku Osuk, Ikot Usen, Use Ndon, Ikpa Ikot Uneke, Ibiaku Ikot Usan, Use Ikot Amama, Edem Uraua and Oko-Ita) of Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The approaches employed were on-farm and household interviews. The study was based on administration of questionnaires and focus group discussions. A total of sixty (60) farmers were involved in the study. The rural farmers in Ibiono Ibom area consider soil quality in relation to the following aspects: visual appearance (soil colour and organic matter), Ease of tillage operation (soil texture), land forms (slope, erosion threat, drainage) and History of the land (fallow period, past yield record and prevalent weed in the area). The farmers in Ibiono Ibom have three soil quality classes using colour as index. These classes are: Obubid Isong (black or dark soil) which is ranked to be the best in terms of productivity, Idaidat Isong (red or dark brown soil) and Isong Mbat (gray bleached, heavy and poorly drained). Based on texture, the soils were classified as; Isong Mberi (presence of high organic matter  and very easy to till),  Isong ntan/ adan ntan (soils high in sand content) which soil type is believed to be a bad soil because it does not have a good water retention capacity, leaching of nutrients easily occur and organic matter content is low, Isong Mbat/Aduang Isong (soils high in clay content and poorly drained) and Ikon-eto (hard soils, often characterized by the presence of stones and tree stumps). The ranking of soil properties as soil quality determinant in the area was of the descending order; Colour and Past Harvest record > Texture > Vegetation > Fallow period > Topography > Location > Ease of Tillage > Drainage.


Accepted:  14/12/2019

Published: 25/12/2019


*Corresponding Author

Ndeh, Aniebiet  Bassey

E-mail: aniebietabasi4jesus@



soil quality; soil quality determinants; rural farmers’ perspective; productivity ranking



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Cite this Article: Kamalu, OJ; Ndeh, AB (2019). Rural Farmers Participatory Soil Quality Assessment in Ibiono Ibom Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(4): 466-472.



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