Baidoo Et Al


Baidoo et al

Journal of  Agricultural Sciences

Vol. 3 (4), pp.
271-279, April 2013.

 ISSN: 2276-7770 



Manuscript Number:



to Pay for Improved Water for Farming in the Upper East
Region of Ghana


Baidoo I.1, Ramatu M. Al-Hassan2,

Asuming-Brempong S.2, Osei-Akoto I.3

and Asante F. A.3



Biotechnology & Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI),
Ghana Atomic Energy Commission.


Department of Agricultural Economics & agribusiness,
University of Ghana, Legon.


Institute of Statistical, Social & Economic Research,
University of Ghana Legon.


Corresponding Author’s Email: baidus@ yahoo. com


This study examined the irrigation systems practiced in the
Upper East Region of Ghana. It also estimated the farmers’
willingness to pay for improved access to water for
irrigation. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the
expenditure incurred in the irrigation systems. Logistic
regression approach was used to estimate willingness to pay
for improvement in these systems of irrigation. Gravity
motorized pumps was used to distribute water and
hand-watering with bucket. Were the systems of irrigation
practised in the rainy season? Hand watering was also done
in the dry season. About 80% expressed willingness to pay
for an improvement in their system of irrigation. For
recommendation, government should subsidize the price of
fertilizer in the study area since the respondents used the
input alongside irrigation. Also other bodies and agencies
should help improve the system of irrigation in the area by
upgrading the existing ones and gradually deducting as part
of the cost of water since the respondents were willing to
pay for such an improvement.
Key words: Improved, Water, Willingness, Pay, Agricultural,

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