Ceasar et al Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 10(3), pp. 173-180, 2020 ISSN: 2276-7770 Copyright ©2020, the copyright of this article is retained by the author(s) https://gjournals.org/GJAS Production of Edible White Oyster Mushroom Using Three Different Substrates 1Ceasar, Donellie Melisha; 2Subramanian, Gomathinayagam; 3Da Silva, Phillip and 4Singh, Dharamdeo Department of Biology, University of Guyana, Tain Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article No.: 082220106 Type: Research The many uses of waste materials from manufacturing processes and other activities often go unnoticed. Several waste materials can be utilised in a number of ways to generate income and create employment. Agriculture based waste materials can be used in the cultivation of edible mushrooms. Edible mushrooms contain proteins and B vitamins and help to lower cholesterol, prevent diabetes, improve bone health and boost immune system function. In this study, white oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus was grown on three different substrates: paddy straw, nut grass and newspaper. The aim of this study was to determine which substrate was best for the cultivation and production of white oyster mushroom. The parameters monitored in this experiment were growth rate, yield and biomass. The experiment was randomized and each substrate was replicated three times resulting in a total of nine experimental units. The nut grass substrate produced mushrooms with the highest values for growth rate; it was also the first substrate to be colonized by the white oyster mushroom mycelium. Nut grass also produced mushrooms with the most fruiting bodies at time of harvesting. The newspaper substrate produced pinheads first, but it performed the least among the three substrates. Paddy straw was deemed the most suitable substrate for cultivation since this substrate produced mushrooms with the highest yield (185g) and biomass (26.67g). Accepted: 30/08/2020 Published: 14/11/2020 *Corresponding Author Ceasar, Donellie Melisha E-mail: donellieceasar@ yahoo.com Phone: 592-611-9504 Keywords: Pleurotus ostreatus; substrates; paddy straw; newspaper; nut grass. Return to Content View [Full Article – PDF] [Full Article – HTML] [Full Article – EPUB] Post-Publication Peer-review Rundown View/get involved, click [Peer-review] REFERENCES 1. Avery, D. T. 2012. High-Yield farming will feed the world. Retrieved from: https://www.hudson.org/research/8960-high-yield-farming-will-feed-the-world 2. Awuchi, C. (2017). Industrial Waste Management: Brief Survey and Advice to Cottage, Small and Medium Scale Industries in Uganda. International Journal of Advanced Academic Research. 3. 26-43. 3. Baysal, E, Peker, H, Yalinkilic, M. K & Temiz, A. (2003). Cultivation of oyster mushroom on waste paper with some added supplementary materials. Bioresource Technology, 89(1), 95-97. 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Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10(3): 173-180.