


Journal of  Agricultural Sciences

Vol. 3 (4), pp.
246-253, April 2013.

 ISSN: 2276-7770 



Manuscript Number: 08011232


The Effects of
Light, Temperature and Salinity on Seed Germination of
Three Maize Forms


Prof. Leyla Idikut


Faculty of Agriculture,Dept. of Field Crops46100,
Email: lcesurer@ tr, Phone: +90: 344 219 16 39,
Fax: 90: 344 219 15 26


This study was carried out to determine the effect of
different light, temperature and salt concentration levels
on dent (P 3394), sweet corn (Sunshine) hybrids and popcorn
(local variety of Çanakkale) seeds which have different
endosperm. In this study, research was conducted to evaluate
the effect of two different light periods (continuous light
and 12 h light : 12 h dark), two different temperatures (17
and 30 ºC) and four different salt concentrations (0, 25, 50
and 100 mM) on germination speed, germination rate, radicle
length, coleoptile length, plumula length and vigor index of
maize grain. The light periods had a significant effect on
germination speed, germination rate and radicula length at
12 hours light and 12 hours dark (26.83%, 31.26% and 1.71cm
respectively), and continuous light (32.77% 41.12% and
2.29cm respectively). The germination rate and coleoptile
length were affected at 17 ºC temperature (40.47% and
1.57cm) and at 30 ºC temperatures (31.91% and 2.29 cm). Salt
concentration had a significant effect on radicula length,
coleoptile length and plumula length. They decreased with
increasing of salt concentration level. There were
significant differences among maize seeds that have
different endosperm in terms of all investigated traits in
this study. The popcorn seed had significantly higher values
than the other maize hybrids in respect to all investigated
traits. The seed of popcorn has superiority 50% than dent
and sweet corn hybrids.
Keywords: Maize, germination, light, temperature,

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