Keremah and Amakiri Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 3 (4), pp. 291-294, April 2013. ISSN: 2276-7770 Research Paper Manuscript Number: 011813392 Proximate composition of nutrients in fresh adult catfishes: Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis and Clarias gariepinus in Yenagoa, Nigeria Keremah R. I.* and Amakiri G. Department of Fisheries and Livestock Production Technology, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. *Corresponding Author’s Email: Kreginald6@ gmail. com Abstract: The evaluation of nutrient composition in adult Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (CN), Clarias gariepinus (CG) and Heterobranchus bidorsalis (HB) was determined on wet basis. A total of 60 samples (weight: 500g – 1kg fish) comprising 20 of each species were gutted, washed, ground and analyzed for moisture, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate, using standard methods. Results showed the mean values for moisture, protein and fat as 72.53+ 0.23 (CG) – 80.73+ 0.23% (HB), 18.20+ 0.13(HB) – 21.37+ 0.13% (CN) and 2.13+ 0.10 (CN) – 7.25 + 0.10% (CG). The carbohydrate and ash values ranged 1.33+ 0.19 (HB) – 2.55+ 0.19% (CG) and 1.63+ 0.09 (HB) – 3.30+ 0.09% (CN). The caloric values for protein was 13.27+ 0.14 (CN) – 17.22+ 0.14 Kcal/100g (CG), fat showed 27.26+ 0.19 (CN) – 57.31+ 0.19 Kcal/100g (CG) and carbohydrate 1.17+ 0.34 (HB) – 1.35+ 0.34 Kcal/100g (CN). The nutrients showed significant differences at p< 0.001 between the fishes examined. These catfishes were observed to contain adequate quality animal protein, fat and ash that would provide appreciable amounts of essential nutrients such as amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and energy to support human health. Keywords: Proximate composition, catfishes, adult, fresh. Return to Content View Reprint (PDF) (170KB)