Olowojoba Et Al


Olowojoba et al

Journal of Agricultural Sciences,
 Vol. 6 (2),
059-068, February

ISSN: 2276-7770  

Research Paper

Manuscript Number: 011416008


(DOI http://doi.org/10.15580/GJAS.2016.2.011416008)


Land Suitability and Evaluation for the
Production of Cassava in Akoko-Edo L.G.A. of Edo State using Geo-Technology


¹Olowojoba S.O., ¹Kappo A.A., ¹Ogbole J.O.,
¹Alaga A.T., ²Mohammed S.O., ³Eguaroje E.O.


¹Cooperative Information Network, Obafemi
Awolowo University Campus, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.

²National Space Research and Development Agency
(NASRDA), Nigeria.

³National Center For Remote
Sensing, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.



Nigeria’s economy is
heavily dependent on the oil sector and this has led to neglect of the
agricultural sector in the past. To diversify the economy is of paramount
necessity in order to drift the economy from total dependence on the oil
sector. In order to help in the reversal of this wholly dependence on the oil
sector, the government has been advocating to shift attention to other key
sectors of the economy and particularly agriculture. The government has
initiated cassava production and exportation, this seeks to variegate the use
of Nigerian- produced cassava through industrial processing and utilization
options. This aims at giving domestic and exporters the opportunity to generate
income for the government and individuals. To get the goal achieved, improved
varieties of cassava have been made available for higher yields.

In this study, GIS has been used to bring biophysical factors such
as rainfall, temperature, sunshine hours, soil, soil slop, elevation and
geology together; using Boolean in spatial analyst tools in ArcGIS 10.1
software to ascertain the most suitable area for cassava production in
Akoko-Edo L.G.A. of Edo state. The most suitable area is highlighted for large
scale cassava production for industries and prospective investors.


Keywords: Geographic
Information System, Boolean Calculator, Biophysical Factors, Spatial Analyst,
Shuttle radar topographic mission. 

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