Shitote Et Al


Shitote et al

Journal of  Agricultural Sciences

Vol. 3 (5), pp.
305-311, May 2013.

 ISSN: 2276-7770 



Manuscript Number: 012213403


Challenges Facing Fish Farming Development in Western


Shitote Z., Wakhungu J., China S.


Muliro University of Science and Technology; Centre for
Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, P.O.Box
190 Kakamega.


Corresponding Author’s Email:
zacharias2002ke @ yahoo. com


This paper
examines the challenges facing fish farming development in
western kenya. Sample survey of 192 farmers representing the
fish farming community in the area was used. The study
result revealed that the high prices of fish feed, declining
fish prices and lack of finance were found to be the top
ranking serious challenges facing fish farmers in that area.
A Cross-sectional and longitudinal Survey research design
was adopted for the study. Stratified sampling was used to
select fish farming households. Key informants were selected
through purposive sampling method. Data gathering was
through multiple methods; where primary and secondary data
were collected. Data analysis made use of descriptive
statistics, where numerical and non-numerical summary of
data were used. Chi-Square was used to test the independence
between variables. Spearman rank order correlation
coefficient was used to test relationship between fish
farmers ranking of various variables affecting them.
Findings were, fish farmers faced several management
problems which included high cost, unavailability and low
quality of feeds, drying up of ponds during drought, lack of
fingerlings, flooding, siltation of ponds, pond maintenance
and poor security. Benefits of the study are; the government
through Kebs should frequently carry out spot checks on
feeds supplied to Agrovets to ascertain its quality. Fish
farmers will adopt Best Management Practices in fish farming
in order to improve their household food security and
livelihoods through increased income. The study therefore
suggests that the government through Kebs should frequently
carry out spot checks on feeds supplied to Agrovets to
ascertain its quality. There is need for the fish farmers to
carry out a proximate analysis for crude protein content to
ascertain the quality of the feeds to be used. Fish farmers
should also be trained on feed formulation and fish breeding
to maintain a constant supply, quality and save on costs for
both feeds and fingerlings.
Keywords: Fish farming, Food security, Livelihoods,

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